Monday, September 28, 2009

Flustered American Girl Seeks Dormitory

Greetings from Poland. I am safe and sound within my dorm room.

Arriving here was actually quite easy. My flight left on time from JFK and I didn't have anyone in my entire row so I could lounge out while I was on my way to Dublin. I had a brief layover in Dublin and then passed out on the flight to Krakow. I hate jet lag.
I thankfully did not have to take a cab to my dorm, I was adventurous and took a bus. It was easy and dropped me off right in front of my dorm for 3 zloty. Once inside I ran into another American who is here on the same scholarship. Yay! Also, my roommate is from Texas. Woot woot!

I have a balcony that connects to the room next to me as well as sharing a bathroom. We have a little foyer before you enter our room. Overall everything has been smooth. I'm tired, obviously, but no major injuries to report. I will post pictures soon!

So until something more exciting happens...

much love.