Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ahh, the Polish mentality

Obviously, something was going to go wrong while here. I couldn't just be on cloud nine forever.

It really isn't so horrible, but my key wasn't working to get into my room. Lovely. After several attempts by more than one person my door refused to open. So I went down to the administrative office where I waited for no lie, an hour, only for them to tell that I had to go to the front reception desk.

So I told them that my key wasn't working and they told me to just jam it really hard into the lock. I told them I did so the woman came up stairs with me and we finally figured out a trick to get it open. woot. But then a man showed up and sprayed some WD-40 on the key and into the lock and it actually worked. So for now I can get into and out of my room my quite easily. But the whole process and reminded me how entertaining the Polish mentality can be.

"Just jam and push really very hard and try to twist key."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Flustered American Girl Seeks Dormitory

Greetings from Poland. I am safe and sound within my dorm room.

Arriving here was actually quite easy. My flight left on time from JFK and I didn't have anyone in my entire row so I could lounge out while I was on my way to Dublin. I had a brief layover in Dublin and then passed out on the flight to Krakow. I hate jet lag.
I thankfully did not have to take a cab to my dorm, I was adventurous and took a bus. It was easy and dropped me off right in front of my dorm for 3 zloty. Once inside I ran into another American who is here on the same scholarship. Yay! Also, my roommate is from Texas. Woot woot!

I have a balcony that connects to the room next to me as well as sharing a bathroom. We have a little foyer before you enter our room. Overall everything has been smooth. I'm tired, obviously, but no major injuries to report. I will post pictures soon!

So until something more exciting happens...

much love.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


So I'm leaving tomorrow for Poland!! I can't wait! I'm really excited and also super nervous/anxious. As soon as I am settled I will be sure to give a more exciting update about my new life adventure!